Inland Empire Council for the Social Studies
Arbor Day - April 29

Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Arbor Day
This site has a set of resources on the History of Arbor Day, Planting Tips, Education Materials, and Celebration Materials.
Arbor Day Foundation
In the last 50 years, the Arbor Day Foundation has planted and distributed nearly 500 million trees in more than 50 countries around the world to fight issues in nature facing humankind. The site has resources to help users learn how trees make a difference to climate and the environment locally and globally.
History of Arbor Day
This History Channel site addresses five topics: What is Arbor Day? The first Arbor Day, Theodore Roosevelt and Arbor Day, Arbor Day becomes a National Holiday, How do you celebrate Arbor Day?
Arbor Day Wikipedia
In addition to the history of Arbor Day in the US, this Wikipedia article highlights 45 other countries that celebrate Arbor Day including what their celebrations are like.
Arbor Day Quotes
This list of 25 quotes helps students reflect on how important trees are in nature and in human life. Have students read each of sayings and which they relate to or find more important and why.
Literature for Arbor Day
Here are 12 books selected by librarians as good choices for students to learn about the importance of trees.